Blast emails

Connect with investors and boost engagement

Your Toolkit

Multi-channel communications to keep your stakeholders engaged

Shareholder engagement

Leverage emails, SMS or traditional mail to reach your investors

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Investor meetings

Facilitate virtual and hybrid experiences for your investors

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Corporate action websites

Keep your shareholders informed on any entitlements

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IR websites

Create dedicated IR focused webpages

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Use proprietary technology to communicate effectively with investors & stakeholders

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Suite of end-to-end communication tools

Whether creating a dedicated IR website, a share plans website for your employees, or planning a virtual event, we’ve got you covered. Link DigiCom, manages and coordinates your communications to keep your investors and employees informed and engaged

Link DigiCom Open briefing

Take control of your corporate narrative

Captivate investors with compelling communications to tell your narrative the way you want

Extend your reach to your global audience

No matter where your shareholders are based, our suite of solutions ensures the right message, and the right data, reaches your key shareholders clearly and reliably